Friday, August 30, 2013

Las presentaciones

Introduce yourself to the class. Tell a bit about yourself and your reasons for studying Spanish. What are your goals? What are the benefits of speaking Spanish?


  1. Hola me llamo David Forostiak, I'm eighteen years old and I just graduated from Urbana High School. I have taken two years of Spanish in the past but have forgotten a lot of what I had learned, which is why I am picking it back up now to get back what I knew and more. I believe Spanish is a very important language to learn in America, with the uprising Hispanic culture coming to America knowing how to speak Spanish has became a valued asset in many fields of work.

  2. Hola, me llamo Bethany Tuel. I'm a junior in high school. I'm taking Spanish because a lot of people in the U.S., as well as many other countries, speak Spanish. I hope to learn to converse easier with Spanish speakers.

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  4. Hola me llamo Ashley Savage. I'm seventeen years old and I just graduated from Urbana High School. I've taken two years of Spanish in high school, one my freshman year and another my sophomore year. In, the past I've forgotten most of the language and wanted to pick it back up again. My goals for this class are to become familiar with the language and somewhat fluent. Knowing how to speak Spanish will enable you to help others and keep pace with popular culture.

  5. Hola me llamo Ashley Morris. I am seventeen years old and I just graudated from Oakdale High School. I have taken two years of spanish in high school in my freshmen and sophomore year. I forgotten most of the language so I wanted to take this class and relearn everything. My goals in this class to be a good writer, speak and understand spanish more fluently. Spanish can help me with my elementary education major because if I had a student that transferred from a spanish speaking country I would be able to understand them and help them more by knowing the language.

  6. Hola, me llamo Kimberlee Powell. I am eighteen years old and I just graduated from TJ High School. I took French in high school and have never taken Spanish before. I am taking Spanish now because a year from now I will have graduated from bootcamp for the US Navy, and will hopefully be stationed in Rota, Spain. My goal is to gain some world knowledge and experience, before travelling to foreign countries.

  7. Hola, me illamo Michael White. My major of study is Psychology, and will be graduating this semester from FCC. I plan to go to UMBC in the spring, and continue onto a masters in Industrial Organizational psychology. I took this language class because my girlfriend is from Ecuador and I figured I should at least know some of the key aspects of the Spanish language. UMBC will require me to take the following two levels of this class, so I plan to do as well early on so it doesn't become overwhelming.

  8. Hola, me llamo Alexandra Correia. This is my first year at FCC. I really want to be bilingual because I think it will give me an advantage when I look for a full-time job and also help me to better communicate with my Spanish-speaking friends. I took Spanish in high school, but I'm afraid I have forgotten a lot of it.

  9. Hola, me llamo Alex Smith! This is my second year at FCC, and this is my very first experience with a Spanish course. My current major is General Studies, and LS101-2 satisfies my Humanities course requirement. That being said, I chose LS101 over the other course options because ideally I would like to see an abundance of travelling out of country in my future, and it'll be a bit easier if I am fluent in one of the most commonly spoken languages worldwide. :) Through this beginner's course and those following it, I aim to gain a better understanding of the Hispanic culture and communicate fluently in Spanish.

  10. Hola me llamo Marvin Bethel. I am the youngest of four girls. and this is my second go at college. i am glad that i decided to go back to school cause now i only have to take a science course which i am taking this semester to graduate. I am taking Spanish for to reasons one is because i am required to be a part time student to keep my job and secondly my 5 yr daughter is part puerto rican and she does know how to speak a language that is part of her culture. So i would like to try and teach a little to her. My goals is to graduate this semester and than start on my bachelors. My goal for the class is to have a better understanding of the class so that i may share my knowledge with my daughter this summer when i go to visit her i also hope to either get a B or an A in the class. Some of the benefits of speaking Spanish it gives you an edge in today's society because we live in a multicultural country and being bilingual help not one yourself but who you may be talking to if they don't know English very well you can translate for them.

  11. Hola me llamo Lori-Ann Chung Foo. I am a current senior at Governor Thomas Johnson High doing open campus this semester. I want to attend University of Maryland after I graduate. My goals are to get a Masters/Doctorate in Forensic Psychology and minor in music. Speaking Spanish has a lot benefits; It helps improve test scores (such as SAT's), jobs prefer people are bilingual, and helps people to communicate with their friends who are Hispanic.

  12. Hola me llamo Aislinn Scully. I am 19 years old and I graduated from Urbana High School in 2012. I am planning to transfer to College Park next year as a junior. I plan to major in biology and go into dental school for orthodontics. I am taking spanish because I want to be able to communicate with the large Hispanic population, and to improve my chances for getting jobs by being bilingual.

  13. Hola! Me llamo Jacki. I am majoring in music here at FCC, then I will continue my education elsewhere after I graduate. I am taking Spanish mainly because my boyfriend is from El Salvador, and even though he speaks English, I would like to learn Spanish so that I can talk to him in his native language:) Also, I work with a lot of people that speak Spanish, so I think that knowing Spanish will help me communicate with some of my co-workers better, especially if they don't speak English very well. I hope to continue to learn Spanish after this class, and eventually become fluent in the language

  14. Hola, me llamo Austin. I am 18 years old and I graduated from Middletown High School in the spring. I am taking this class to fulfill my language credit that most four year universities require. I hope to learn the basics of Spanish so I can communicate with Spanish speaking people in everyday life.

  15. Hola, me llamo Seble Solomon. I am twenty-two years old and this is my second time taking a Spanish class (the last one being in high school). I am taking this class because I think learning to speak Spanish will benefit me in the future. I plan on moving to Barcelona, Spain in the next two or three years (having loved it after visiting this summer) so being fluent in Spanish is a must.

  16. Hola, me llamo Thomas Corcoran. I am twenty-four years old, and like several people here I have had a bit of Spanish before, although not since high school. I decided to take this class because I have always wanted to be able to speak and read a foreign language, and Spanish makes the most sense in the USA. I eventually plan on living in Europe (possibly Spain) for a time, and learning to speak now rather than later seems like a good plan.

  17. Hola, mi llamo Sheila Kinty. I am taking this course to learn the basics of Spanish. I am retired and taking this to have fun and learn.
